Thursday, Nov. 13th...a very long travel day!
The day has finally arrived for us to depart on our 9 day vacation to the beautiful state of Hawaii. We will be visiting Waikiki, Oahu for 3 nights and then off to the Garden Isle of Kauai for 5 nights. Suitcases packed, computer and all electonic gadgets are on board, now we await our Checker Sedan transportation to the airport. They arrive at 4:45AM and we are just about ready. Little did we know what was in store for us today as we got into the Town Car that took us to the airport. It really is funny looking back at it now.
The driver said he had no problem finding our house, but then when he turns out onto the main street to go to the airport, he is totally turned around and almost makes two turns in the wrong direction. Good thing we knew where we had to go. Our check-in at Metro went smoothly as did our departure. However, about an hour into the flight the captain comes on the speaker and tells us there is a slow oxygen tank leak in the cockpit, so we will be setting down in St. Louis to make repairs. Fortunately, it took less than an hour for repairs and we were on our way to DFW airport.
Now the real ADVENTURE begins. When we deplane, and head to the restroom we hear rumblings about a security breach. Turns out to be a full Terminal D evacuation. Evidently somebody had opened a secured fire escape door and after a lock-down of Terminal D, where nobody owned up to it, they proceeded with a total evacuation. That was a first for us. Mass confusion once out in the terminal, with everybody trying to get into a security line for when they reopened. We ended up taking a shuttle to a different terminal, clearing security there and then taking the skylink monorail back to terminal D, only to find that now our 12:50 PM departure was delayed until 3:30PM due to equipment problems. Keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well for an on time departure. I will update tomorrow.
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